Goan Roce Chicken | Rossa Chicken

Roce, very simply, means coconut milk/extract (Rossa: of or with Roce). Similar to the Xacuti, this recipe is full of flavor and aroma arising from the perfect blend of spices, but cooked in a luscious pool of coconut milk. It's texture is smoother since it eliminates the fruit's pulp and it doesn't require prior roasting of the spices which have to be ground into a fine paste. 

What makes this recipe memorable, apart from the aroma, is the balance of flavors— the coconut breathes a hint of sweetness and silkiness that rounds up the sharpness of the spices and smoothens the impact of their flavor— so, what you're left with is an appreciation for majestic food! Some tips before you begin:
  • Use bone/boneless cuts of chicken as per your choice.
  • The tomatoes and onions must be fried well till pulpy for the curry to achieve a thick gravy consistency. Keep an eye on the flame to avoid charring!
  • After adding the spice paste it is necessary to fry it for a good deal of time to eliminate any raw flavors in the final curry. 
  • Store-bought coconut milk can work just as well for this recipe; dilute it if needed.
  • Potatoes are optional; cut them into sizes that won't take too long to cook.


  • 400 grams chicken pieces (bone/boneless)
  • 1 teaspoon Salt
  • 1 teaspoon Ginger-garlic paste

For the spice paste:

  • 1 teaspoon Fennel seeds
  • 1/2 teaspoon Turmeric
  • 1 teaspoon Cumin seeds
  • 2 heaped of Coriander seeds
  • 1 Black Cardamom
  • 1/2 Star Anise
  • 4 Cloves
  • 1" Cinnamon stick
  • 8 Black Peppercorns
  • 1/8th of a Nutmeg
  • 1/4 portion of Mace Flower
  • 3 dried Bedki Chilies
  • 2 dried Kashmiri Chilies
  • 4 Garlic cloves
  • 1" piece of Ginger

For the curry:

  • 2 Onions, finely chopped
  • 2 Tomatoes, finely chopped
  • 1 large Potato, diced and rubbed with salt (optional)
  • 2 cups thin Coconut milk
  • 1/4 cup thick Coconut milk
  • 3-4 tablespoons of Oil
  • Water to adjust consistency (approximately 1/2 cup)
  • Salt to taste
  • 1/2 teaspoon Sugar (adjustable as per sweetness of coconut)
  • 1 slit Green Chili
  • Fresh, chopped Coriander


  1. Mix the chicken cuts with the salt and ginger-garlic paste and set it aside.

  1. Grind the spices, adding a little bit of water, into a fine, thick paste. Also, separately extract 1/4th cup of thick coconut extract and 2 cups of thin milk from 1 coconut.

  1. Heat the oil and then sauté the onions till golden brown. Add some salt to hasten the process.

  1. Then add the tomatoes and fry till it all turns into a soft pulp. Cover and cook for a few minutes— this can quicken the cooking without much loss of moisture.

  1. Add the spice paste and combine well; fry for 3-4 minutes on a medium-high flame. The oils will start to separate with a slight change in colour of the paste.

  1. Then add in the chicken pieces and combine; cover and cook for 5 minutes on a medium-low flame.

  1. Add some water, approximately 1/2 a cup; here, we rinsed the bowl which contained the paste.

  1. Then add the thin Coconut milk and stir till combined. Let this cook, covered, for 10-12 minutes, checking occasionally. You can add in the potatoes midway through this phase— potatoes may need 6-7 minutes to cook through completely.

  1. After the stated time, check to see if the potatoes are tender using a knife/fork, check for the salt and also add the sugar and stir gently. Adjust the consistency as desired.

  1. Finally, pour in the thick Coconut extract, add the green chilli and coriander and then off the flame.

Serve it hot with rice, rotis or any breads of your choice!

हिंदी में

   1. नमक और अदरक-लहसुन पेस्ट के साथ चिकन को मिलाएं और रखें।
    2. मसालों को बारीक पीसकर, गाढ़ा पेस्ट बना लें।
    3. तेल गरम करें और फिर प्याज को सुनहरा भूरा होने तक तलें। प्रक्रिया को तेज करने के लिए थोड़ा नमक डालें।
    4. फिर टमाटर डालें और इसे तब तक भूनें जब तक कि यह नरम गूदे में न बदल जाए। कुछ मिनट के लिए ढककर पकाएं - इससे नमी के बहुत नुकसान के बिना खाना पकाने को तेज किया जा सकता है।
    5. मसाला पेस्ट डालदें और अच्छी तरह से मिलाएं; मध्यम आंच पर 3-4 मिनट तक भूनें। पेस्ट के रंग में थोड़ा सा बदलाव आएगा और तेल अलग होने लगेगा ।
    6. फिर चिकन के टुकड़े डालें और मिलाएं ; मध्यम आंच पर 5 मिनट के लिए ढककर पकाएं।
    7. थोड़ा पानी डालें , लगभग 1/4 कप; यहां, हमने उस कटोरे को मढ़ा जिसमें पेस्ट था।
    8. फिर पतले नारियल का दूध डालें और मिलाएं। इसे पकने दें, ढक दें, 10-12 मिनट के लिए, कभी-कभार जाँचें। आप इस बीच में आलू डाल सकते हैं- पूरी तरह से पकाने के लिए आलू को 6-7 मिनट की आवश्यकता हो सकती है।
    9. 10-12 मिनट के बाद, नमक की जांच करें और चीनी भी डालें और धीरे से हिलाएं। अगर ज्यादा गाढ़ा हो, तो पानी डालें। 
    10. अंत में, मोटी नारियल का दूध डालें, हरी मिर्च और धनिया डालें और फिर आंच बंद कर दें।

Any questions on your mind about this recipe, let me know in the comments below :)

Dev Borem Korum | Thanks and God Bless You


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